Water 💦

Just in time for the season

The water system is installed and ready to go. This project was quite the undertaking and took some time, but turned out perfect in the end.  The pressure was completely on Lucas to plan and execute this operation.  I was happy to tag along to Home Depot multiple times as we searched for the proper fittings, but the credit for this definitely goes to the one who understands pumps, water heaters and tubing going every which way (which is certainly not me).

Another bonus to the ambulance is all the outside storage compartments. The set up looks a bit complicated, but you can see the pump and hot water heater on the left, gray tank on top and fresh water tank on the bottom. We added in a knee surgery just to make things interesting, but even with this setback, we have flowing water ready for the camping season.  Here are a few pictures.  

Some complications came up during installation, but nothing we couldn't handle.  There were so many plumbing fittings, some trial and error with tubing that almost blew up, a few blown fuses and drilling through a metal wall to connect to the batteries but that wasn't gonna stop him from accomplishing the task.  There was also the the cranky old guy at Menards that asked if Lucas was with me and told me to not talk while he found what I needed - pretty sure I deserve a prize for maintaining my composure in that situation.  In the end, I'm excited we have running water that gets hot in an instant and will make our camping adventures just a bit easier.  There is even an outdoor shower in the works.  


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