We have floors
All that hard work paid off
I feel like the floors have been a part of our daily projects in some way since day 1, but I can finally see the light. The old floors were finally up and we were ready to start installation. There was some prep to do beforehand which included two coats of a floor primer, that needed dry time in between. Thursday and Friday were the primer coats, which meant Saturday was the big flooring install day.
Neither of us have ever installed the stick vinyl plank tile, so we were winging it a bit. We got to work and hoped for the best. Lucas did the cutting and I installed them. Total time was about 4 hours and went pretty smoothly. With..... the exception of one tile about 3/4 of the way done that lined up a bit weird because of the subfloor. Pretty sure Lucas was afraid I was going to pull he whole floor up and start over. We did a little work and fixed it the best we could and to be honest, I don't even notice it now. But if you come visit and do notice,don't tell me, ok?
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