We Have Curtains- Almost
Just Winging It
We needed some curtains to warm up the space, so this was my next project. I have never claimed to be a seamstress and that holds true even after this project. That being said, I am not one to back down from a challenge. If the girl on Pinterest can make these then so can I. Cute fabric got ordered and after a few trips to the craft store and one more Amazon order for lobster claws and D rings (Pinterest girl said I needed them),I was ready.
Once upon a time I had a sewing machine, and I never really graduated past sewing straight lines. It started acting up years ago and so when I moved, it didn't make the trip. First task to tackle was figuring out how to sew without a machine. I have no intentions of this becoming a new hobby, so really didn't want to drop money in to something I will rarely use. Turns out Walmart had a "mending" machine for $20. I figured it had good reviews and could sew a straight line so it would be perfect. It called for 4 AA batteries or a adapter (not included). I installed what I thought were new batteries and nothing happened. Tried a few others and still nothing. I was pretty convinced it was broken at this point. I checked the power connection for the adapter and it looked just like the one for my diffuser so I figured why not give it a shot. Well.....it worked at about one stitch per second.
With that problem solved, I was free to complete the rest if the curtains. I made covers for the back windows and the roll up curtains for the door and side window. Now I'm not a complete amateur, cause this job called for cutting and staining the 1x2s and drilling holes in leather and sewing the fasteners for the curtains. I actually love how they turned out.
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